Love comes in infinite forms. Every form has various qualities that make all versions unique on their own.
Both players respond to an event using a card. The events requirements energy is attributed to the specific levels I the cards. Mix the deck a few times and make sure that while you do so, you think and evoke the moments where you felt most loved. Choose three cards from the deck without looking; these cards represent in order of pick up:
1. Love in the present; what if you love life telling you right now.
2. Love of the future, what you should expect to love in the future.
3. the constant love, the type of love that will prevail throughout your life.
Make an exceptional interpretation of all cards.
Bonus: You can ask a personal question about a relationship, pick a card randomly and be enlightened by the truth.
Each type of love has distinctive points of value (ATK). Distinctive points to overpower other forms of love (DEF).
The ATK number is drawn from the results of these qualities.
- Each person must take six cards from the deck; don't show your cards.
- Both participants place a card on the table.
- At the same time, both players turn the cards over to review the points.
- If your number of ATK is superior to the lover's DEF card, then the opponent card is eliminated and vice versa.
- If the opponent's DEF number is superior to your ATK, then you must discount the ATK of your opponent from your DEF and ATK number. -The cards are active until they run out of DEF or ATK, then they are out of play.
- If you have two or more cards downplaying, the ATK levels accumulate to throw a multiLove ATK.
- The winner will be that type of love you will get next.
Some people have used the cards to read the destiny of someone.
Mix the deck a few times and make sure that while you do so, you think and evoke the
moments where you felt most loved. Choose three cards from the deck without looking, these
cards represent in order of pick up:
1. Love in the present, what if you love life telling you right now
2. Love of the future, what you should expect to love in the future
3. the constant love, the type of love that will prevail throughout your life.
Make an outstanding interpretation of all cards.
- You can also ask a question about love, then pick a card randomly and be enlightened by
the truth.