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Exquisite corpose

A collaboration with artist Alex Will.
A conversational exquisite corpse where both artists are creating a blind dialogue, speaking with no awareness of what has been said by the other artist before or what will come after. The result of the conversation is the failure of understanding, an agreement that inherently disagrees. Where each character will be unsuccessful in interpreting the others meaning. The detachment and disengagement present in the conversation is a reflection of the current political and social climate of isolationism. Where political leaders, the opposition and the people seem to be talking about different things, yet a conversation is taking place. We agreed to make a joined artwork that represents our practice and our background. While planning the outcome, we realised that it could be questioned whether they are two separate works or joint work. While we have collaborated on devising the structure of the artwork, the physical outcome will be worked on individually. We will leave for the audience to decide if the work is joint or not. We got shortlisted for the Mexican embassy competition: Camaradas 2020.

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